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I need to create a export button from 4 different ADP variables


The page has 4 different tabs and each tab has it's associated table data.

The export should be a combination of 4 tabs of table data.

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The page has 4 different tabs and each tab has its associated table of data.

Tab Name      --   Table Headers Name -- ADP Variable for Table Data

1. Failure Code  --  Code Name,Code Description, Effective End Date,Delete  --    InsertFailureCodeADP

2. Cause Code -- Code Name,Code Description, Effective End Date,Delete -- InsertCauseCodeADP

3. Resolution Code -- Code Name,Code Description, Effective End Date,Delete  --   InsertResolutionCodeADP

4. Asset Group -- Item Number,Failure Code Required,Delete  --       InsertAssetADP

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