Strategic Modeling: Scenario Rollup Model lock not released
Model in a Scenario Rollup gets locked and lock not released until the environment is reset
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Model in a scenario rollup has data maps that push certain accounts to other model, also in the rollup. When this source model is checked-in last (so data can be pushed to all models prior to rollup) and the rollup executed, all data maps associated with the consolidation model fail with error "Push Data failed. Error: Error loading objects from data source: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Illegal attempt to set field value on ReadOnlyCachedObject: [SourceModel, 1073745762, class com.hyperion.planning.sql.HspMember].".
The source model seems to be locked even after a few hours. Only an environment reset releases the lock and the scenario rollup runs without any issues. Are we doing something wrong here?