How to use InvokeGlobalFunction() for Assignment in a Product Rule for a Change Order?
The use of InvokeGlobalFunction() to implement scripted validations using product rules is well described: script the function, set up a validation rule using InvokeGlobalFunction(), e.g.
InvokeGlobalFunction("AA",[ChangeHeader].[Change Header Main].[Change ID])
applies the global function "AA" to the Change Order with Change ID [ChangeHeader].[Change Header Main].[Change ID]. The validation is in this case of Association Type "Change order type" and the Association name is the Change Order name this validation shall be applied to.
It is stated in the manual that it is also possible to use InvokeGlobalFunction() in assignment rules (instead of validation rules as shown above). In particular, it is stated that this is possible for Change Orders, e.g. changing the Change Order Description. For this specific example, how do I have to set up the product rule?