Calculation of FCCS_Retained Earnings Current, FCCS_Minority Interest & Income and FCCS_REC OBFXCTA
How the CTA has been calculated of the following members on FCCS_Mvmts_FX_to_CTA (Movement Member)?
FCCS_Retained Earnings Current
FCCS_Minority Interest
FCCS_Minority Interest Income
Other Equity Accounts
Content (required):
Balance sheet is not tallied due to CTA, hence calculating CTA on each member, however on standalone entities, it is easy to calculate CTA on Equity Accounts i.e. (Difference of average and ending rates * Entity Currency).
But unable to
- Calculate CTA on FCCS_REC OBFXCTA on Standalone Entities.
- Calculate all other accounts mentioned above on consol level. (Here Entity currency is different than parent currency) Standalone entities have different currency than consol and consol has different entity currency than its parent currency.