Edit table record is not showing up the original value for Single Select field.
Hello experts,
I've a page showing up table records and editable, for this one field below I wanted to have a list of values to be chosen when editing, but once i got into edit mode, the current value 'P2' disapears, any idea where it is wrong for below template code of this field?
<template slot="Destination">
<oj-bind-if test='[[$current.mode === "navigation"]]'>
<oj-bind-text value="[[ $current.data]]">
<oj-bind-if test='[[$current.mode === "edit"]]'>
<oj-select-single data="[[ $variables.destinationADP ]]"
:id="[['oj-select-single -1829646926-1-' + $current.key]]"
item-text="destination" value="{{ $variables.currentRowBuffer.destination}}">
$variables.currentRowBuffer is assigned with current row value on before row edit event.