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Expenditure type -cost and revenue entry in same line or different line in Project level budget


We tried to enter Expenditure type -cost and revenue entry in the same line or different line in the Project level budget.

Method-1 Same line


Expenditure type: Infrastructure Cost

Raw Cost: 10000


How Infrastructure cost of 10000 can be mapped to expenses and 15000 can be mapped with a revenue account in GL using a mapping set or any alternate functionality? How can the same expenditure type be mapped - cost to expenses, revenue to Revenue account in GL?

Method-2 Different lines


Expenditure type: Infrastructure Cost

Raw Cost: 10000



Expenditure type: Infrastructure Revenue

Raw Cost: 0.00001

Revenue: 15000

But in this case, we can correctly map by mapping the infrastructure cost expense account (say 311111 in GL) and the infrastructure revenue account to the Revenue account (411111 in GL) in mapping set. But the margin is not accurate at the line level in this case.

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