Error in Shipment Confirmation integration
We have processed the sales order and shipped it. On the Outbound Load screen its status is "Shipped". Once ship load is done shipment confirmation integration is triggered. It went in the error as "We are getting following error in the Shipment Confirmation Integration "You must provide a value for either the ShippedQuantityUOMCode attribute or the ShippedQuantityUOM attribute".
SLS file been generated does not have this ShippedQuantityUOM attribute but API expects this as it is not available in the payload it goes into error.
Any assistance would be of great help.
Content (required):
We have processed the sales order and shipped it. On the Outbound Load screen its status is "Shipped". Once ship load is done shipment confirmation integration is triggered. It went in the error as "We are getting following error in the Shipment Confirmation Integration "You must provide a value for either the ShippedQuantityUOMCode attribute or the ShippedQuantityUOM attribute".