How can we configure the below FSC use case in OTM cloud
Upto 99 miles >> Min charge 24 USD
Upto 199 miles >> Min charge 36 USD
This charge is based on certain formula they have defined as per the business.
Now they have Multistop shipment:
Stop1 >> Distance is zero
Stop2 >> Distance is say 35 Miles (From first stop)
Stop3 >> Distance is say 100 Miles (from first stop)
Rate basis is per shipment:
As per the setup they expect the cost to be calculated as below
Cost corresponding to first 35 Miles = 24 USD (Cost upto 99 miles as defined in profile)
Cost corresponding to 35 + 100 miles = 36 (Cost upto 199 miles as defined in profile)
So total cost should be 60 USD. How to set this up?