Action Plan Attributes changes are allowed even when the ARCS Period is locked
Summary: Action Plan Attributes changes are allowed ( without need to re open the reconciliation)
even when the ARCS Period is locked, the expectation is that no changes should be allowed to the reconciliation once the period is Locked
Content (required):We have a scenario where the preparer is allowed to update the Action Plan Attributes ( such as Action Plan Closed- Yes/No) even when the status of the ARCS period is "Locked" and the status of the Reconciliation is "Closed" ( see screenshot attached for reference).The standard documentation suggest that locking an ARCS period prevents any edits to the reconciliation. Are edits to action plan attributes when the period is Locked, intended functionality? From a controls perspective, the users expect no changes to a locked period and any changes if permissible should go through workflow again.