Not able to give style for PDF .
Hi guys
I'm successfully generating a pdf now but the issue now is that I'm unable to give any style to the pdf like change the width of the table. Could you please provide me any url or guide me on how I can possibly edit and proceed.
here I'm providing the style in HTML
var ht=
"<html><head><title>LOOSE PART DETAIL</title></head><style> table{width:100%;border:1px solid black;border-collapse:collapse;} td{ border:1px solid black;border-collapse: collapse;}</style><body></br></br></br><h4>WorkOrder Number : "+ Workordernumber +"</br> Description : "+ Description +"</h4><br><br><table><tr><td>S.No</td><td>Part Number </td><td> Description</td><td> BOM Quantity</td><td>UOM</td> <td>User Quantity</td> </tr>";