Approve the Quote via REST API
When we try to Approve the quote via REST API, we are getting this error.
"Instance": "commerceDocumentsOraclecpqoTransaction",
"o:errorDetails": [
"Instance": "commerceDocumentsOraclecpqoTransaction",
"title": "Field performer_comment doesn't exist or is not accessible in resource commerceDocumentsOraclecpqoTransaction for current user.",
"o:errorPath": "performer_comment"
"Instance": "commerceDocumentsOraclecpqoTransaction",
"title": "Field reason_var_name doesn't exist or is not accessible in resource commerceDocumentsOraclecpqoTransaction for current user.",
"o:errorPath": "reason_var_name"
"type": "HTTP://",
"title": "Invalid payload."
The payload we use is :
"documents": {
"performer_comment": "Approve",
"reason_var_name": "Approve"
The API end point is: /rest/v14/commerceDocumentsOraclecpqoTransaction/{ID}/actions/approve_submit_t