How to map DFF values from INV_MATERIAL_TXNS to Rcv_Shipment_Headers/Rcv_shipment_lines for Interorg
How to map DFF values from INV_MATERIAL_TXNS to Rcv_Shipment_Headers /Rcv_shipment_lines for In transit Shipments
Creating the Interorg shipments using the Rest API from org A to org B. We are keeping track of the legacy shipment line number in the DFF as we create the shipment from Org A to Org B. Upon creation, I see data in the inv material txns and legacy shipment line numbers in the DFF. The legacy shipment line number was not passed to RCV tables, but the RCV shipment headers and lines have the shipment details. While doing the interorg receipt using the rest api, DocumentLineNumber is required and needs to be passed. The document line number