Translation: Primary Ledger to Reporting Currency - Urgent Help needed
Translation: Primary Ledger to Reporting Currency - Urgent Help needed
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We have entities in across the world and all needs to be translated into Reporting currency i.e., INR.
Primary Ledger: UK
Reporting Currency: created with INR for UK Ledger.
Uploaded Historical Rates for retainage, owners equity accounts. Account: 31121 March-22 Historical Amount 250000, April-22 Historical Amount: 360000
Submitted March-2022 Translation and system considered historical rate as 250000 and can see correct amount in Reporting Currency TB.
Submitted April-2022 Translation and system considered historical rate as 360000 in Period Activity + Opening Balance i.e., 250000= Closing balance 610000. Business user expectation to show only 360000 in April-2022 reporting currency TB.