Template slot not working in oj-table
Template slot inside oj-table not working properly.
Content (required):
I have an oj-table inside which there are many columns. The data source for this table is a BO in VBCS which is tied to a table in our ATP DB.
I have created templates for 2 columns - Transaction Date and Expenditure Item Date in which we are defining a date format to be displayed. Transaction Date is of type VARCHAR and Expenditure Item Date is of type DATE in our DB.
Below are the template codes.
<template slot="Transaction Date"> <oj-input-date value="{{ $current.data }}" readonly="true" converter='{"type": "datetime", "options": {"pattern":"MM/dd/yyyy"}}'></oj-input-date> </template> <template slot="Expenditure Item Date"> <oj-input-date value="{{ $current.data }}" readonly="true" converter='{"type": "datetime", "options": {"pattern":"MM/dd/yyyy"}}'></oj-input-date> </template>