Project Detail not showing up in Subject Area: Financials - Asset Transactions in FAW
In Fusion Analytics Warehouse:
Subject area: Financials - Asset Transactions: when we are pulling Asset Detail: Asset ID, Asset Number and Asset Name with Project ID, Project Number, Project Name, all relevant Project details are appearing as null. By investigating the SQL beneath it: c6 and c8 related to Project detail are null
Please note: if we remove JOIN condition between: Ledger Id from DW_FA_MC_SLA_TRX_DEPRN_CF and Ledger Id from DW_FA_MC_ASSET_SOURCE_LINES_D, Data is visible.
Ledger Id for Assets are not matching between tables DW_FA_MC_SLA_TRX_DEPRN_CF and DW_FA_MC_ASSET_SOURCE_LINES_D