Production Scheduling - Pegging links between Work Orders in the Gantt Chart
We would like to use the Pegging Link feature to have visibility on the link between Subassemblies and Finished Goods Work Order in Production Scheduling Gantt Chart.
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Hi all,
I would like to receive some clarifications about Production Scheduling pegging feature.
Our customer would like to have visibility on the pegging link between Work Orders for finished goods and the correspondent subassemblies in Production Scheduling UI.
Work Orders for subassemblies are not hard reserved for any specific finished good WO, instead they can be consumed by any WO that requires that subassembly. So Finished Goods and Subassemblies Work Orders are not really linked, in fact Finished Goods are automatically generated after the creation of a Sales Order, then Subassembly Work Orders are generated by the orchestration process after releasing Supply Planning recommendation from the Production Plan.