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Need Approval rule for adding National ID in Personal Details page
We have written a condition where if a HRIS manager Adds a National ID (like SSN) for an employee for the first time in Personal Details page OR Changes an existing National ID, it should get auto approved.
The condition is ((GetAllRepresentatives("HR_REP",Task.payload.Worker's Representative.result) contains transactionApprovalRequest.requestor) AND ((Current Person National IDs.result.National ID != Proposed Person National IDs.result.National ID) OR (Proposed Person National IDs.result.National ID != null))).
The condition where HRIS manager Changes an existing National ID is working as expected.
But the condition where the HRIS manager Adds a National ID (like SSN) for an employee for the first time in Personal Details page is not working. We are getting an error saying "An attribute in the PeopleProcessRule_SSN_HRIS rule has a null value." This is the name of the same rule/condition that I mentioned above.