PA REST API - response time
Can we commit anything to the REST API response while calling Oracle SaaS PA REST API?
Content (required):
I am using the following REST APIs in my code and see the corresponding response time in the development environment -
1) /fscmRestApi/resources/ - response time is ~ 11 seconds
2) /fscmRestApi/resources/{ProjectId}/child/ProjectDFF/{ProjectId2} - response time is ~ 4 seconds
3) /fscmRestApi/resources/{ProjectId}/child/ProjectClassifications/{ProjectClassificationId} - response time is ~ 4 seconds
4) /fscmRestApi/resources/{ProjectId}/child/ProjectTeamMembers/{TeamMemberId} - response time is ~ 4 seconds
Based on this, can I commit any timeline to my customers for getting the REST API response? What does Oracle suggest/recommend on response time?