Cannot create bank account for a supplier site using API
We are trying to create Bank accounts for supplier site using API, but we are getting this error in the interface. Any hint to resolve this will be appreciated.
Content (required): Request400<![CDATA[POST returned a response status of 400 Bad Request]]><![CDATA[Applying List binding LOV_AccountOwnerPartyName with given set of values leads to multiple matching rows for a row of type:ExternalBankAccountVO_accountOwners_ExternalBankAccountToExternalBankAccountOwnerVO_ExternalBankAccountOwnerVO, key oracle.jbo.Key[300000102821310 ].A 400 Bad Request Error indicates that the target service is unable (or refuses) to process the request sent by the client (Oracle Integration Cloud), due to an issue that is perceived by the server to be a client problem. You can trace the cURL representation of the request sent to the target service from the Oracle Integration Cloud server logs. Try invoking the target service using cURL. It may also