Contract End date should be either the signed date or should be an editable field on Active contract
Legal department on our project wants to calculate the end date from the signed date of a contract.
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We have a requirement from client's legal department where they want to calculate the end date based on the contract signed date. For example if the contract signed date is 1st Jan 2023 and they signed it for a year, then system should consider the end date from 1st Jan 2023. Is it possible to achieve this?
Currently they are using Ariba in which the end date is open so they are looking for a similar solution in Oracle too. Either the end date should be populated based on the signed date or the end date should be editable in other contract statuses. Once a contract is signed, they can add a desired end date based on the signed date. Regarding this end date editable, we tried doing a personalization via page composer. We could see an option of "always" in the LOV of editable. We did this setup and published but still we could not see