Lease amendments in middle of the lease period
Is there a way to create a lump sum amendment amount to a lease and have the remaining payment schedule automatically adjust the remaining payment schedule amount based on the opening lease liability?
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Our client creates leases and makes monthly payments during the initial period. But, in the middle they make lumpsum amount. so that, the lease opening liability reduces. Now, in oracle, to match their requirement, we created a lease starting from 12/5/21 to 11/5/26 with 5-year period. Now we created payment schedules in the below way:
Initial one-time down payment as on 12/5/21 - 4,90,952.88 USD and then created quarterly payment schedules starting from 19/10/21 to 1/8/24 with a monthly payment of 1,90,000 USD. and then activated the lease.