Zop File Migration Error
Hi, we have an issue after restoring data when we create a migration file.
we would to migrate data from test to production.. and then after we create migration export using migration projects, then we import it to production.
heres the log :
[migration - 1]
2024-03-09 02:22:10.841 853040 Debug DBXML DBXMLProcessor: Started Import of single row, transaction code:II [migration - 1]
2024-03-09 02:22:10.842 853040 Debug DBXML No explicit validation rule for Shipment [migration - 1]
2024-03-09 02:22:10.842 853040 Debug DBXML Previous pk=[PL/EXIM.SHEXIM20230811-0142]. BeanData generates new sequence [migration - 1]
2024-03-09 02:22:10.854 853040 Error Exception [88280209] Cannot update the SHIPMENT_REFNUM_T record. [SHIPMENT_GID] must reference a valid SHIPMENT_T record.