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Headcount is Overstated in Pie Charts when using Ethnicity
Hello everyone!
I would like to make a pie chart to show the percentage of each of our candidates by ethnicity. The problem is this: When candidates select multiple ethnicities, they are counted twice. This leads to overcounting in my report. (I've tried using candidate number as the slice size as well as the measure of hire demographics. It seems not to make a difference).
Below are some examples. I'm running the report for 2 people, but i get a total of 3 people in my report since one identifies as both Black and Hispanic.
I implemented a solution from customer connect (Grouping Ethnicity into 2 or more) that works great in table view but failed to work for the pie charts (see completely blue pies.)They still display 3 people, and have placed all of them in the "Two or more races" bucket. (This is the logic I used...CASE WHEN COUNT(DISTINCT "Job Application - Legislative Information"."Regulatory Response Ethnicity" BY "Candidate Details"."Candidate Number","Job Requisition - Basic Information"."Requisition Number") > 1 THEN 'Two or More Races' ELSE "Job Application - Legislative Information"."Regulatory Response Ethnicity" END....)