Is the SEOG_Need_Based_Elig_Min in FAS_FUND_CONFIG used in packaging?
MSU has FSEOG_Need_Based_Elig_Min set to 1 in the FAS_FUND_CONFIG workbook for the 2024-2025 FSEOG fund. We understand that $50 is the actual regulatory minimum; however, we have R2T4 cases where a lower amount is calculated and so the grant has to be decreased below $50. In this case, the entire package is blocked (see SR 3-24251138741 : Packaging_FSEOG Recalculation Error When Max Projected Amount Less than Minimum).
Due to how high SEOG is in our packaging models, we do not anticipate any cases except R2T4 where the grant would be offered below $50 so we feel comfortable with lowering the amount in the FAS_FUND_CONFIG workbook. However, in the UI it appears that $50 continues to be enforced and the package continues to be blocked if their SEOG eligibility is decreased below $50.