Unable to create PickWave and Pick Confirm via REST API:/fscmRestApi/resources/
Unable to create PickWave and Pick Confirm via below REST API: "/fscmRestApi/resources/" But no lines are getting picked. The same we are able to do from front end. Please find the payload we are sending in the API: { "ReleaseRule": "test", "ShipFromOrganizationCode": "ORGCODE", "SourceSystemName": "OPS", "ReleaseSubinventory": "SUBINV", "OrderType": "Sales order", "OrderNumber": "47", "ItemNumber": "ITEMNUMBER", "AutoPickConfirmFlag": true, "PickReleaseFlag":true, "CreateShipmentsFlag": true, "ShipmentCreationCriteria": "Across orders", "ProjectCostingProjectNumber": "ProjectNumber", "ProjectCostingTaskNumber": "TaskNumber" } The goal is : Create Pick Wave Pick Conifrm Create Shipment. Please help as the above payload is not working.