Truncated Task Finish Date
We have setup the project template with task dates(planned/transaction) from 01-Jan-2021 till 31- Dec-2025. When we are creating the project from template using FBDI with project start date as ’01-Jan-2011’ and ’31-Dec-2024’, the task dates are changing to ’01-Jan-2011’ and end date as ’31-Dec-2015’.
Attribute of FBDI ‘Copy Tasks from Template’ is marked as Yes so as to allow copy task from templates and tasks are not created using FBDI.
This upload is truncating the end dates of tasks. However, when we are creating from UI then it is showing the correct dates on tasks.
Client does not want to extend the project task end dates or duration on the template as project finish date is not a required field. Pls let us know if there is any workaround to have dates aligned with project dates