Custom Receipt to Inspection Rule not working as expected.
Currently in the Receipt Accounting JERS, we have a custom rule for Receipt to Inspection for which we use the account combination rule Purchase Order Accrual Account. We have until now only used Destination type = Expense on our POs.
Expenes PO Receipt
dr (Recv Inspection) 2210100 Rcpt Acct
cr (Expense Accrual) 2210100 Rcpt Acct
Dr (Expense) 6220130 Rcpt Acct
Cr (Recv Inspection) 2210100 Rcpt Acct
However, we are implementing Inventory management. For the POs with Destination type = Inventory, the seeded Receiving Inspection combination rule works because we have a mapping set rule.
Inventory PO Receipt
dr (inv Valuation) 1600502 Cost Acct
cr (Recv Inspection) 2210102 Cost Acct