Configuring restocking fee as per Doc ID 2262330.1 is resulting in error
Our requirement matches the oracle document Doc ID 2262330.1 - FA: SCM: Pricing: How To: Apply Restocking Fees on Return Orders (RMA) - Pricing Setup Requirements
Multiple iterations have been tried but after setting up EFF, service mapping, and algorithm as per the document, it is resulting in a lengthy error message on order creation that starts as below -
JBO-29000: Unexpected exception caught: oracle.apps.scm.pricing.priceExecution.algorithms.publicQuery.exception.SetQueryException, msg=Failed to execute onEach Closure. DataObject does not have property 'ReturnLineTypeCode' defined in the schema. Can not read SDO for the property. # Algorithm Call Stack ----------------------- if (ReturnLine.ReturnLineTypeCode == 'ORA_RETURN' && (ReturnLine.ReturnReasonCode in ['ORA_WRONG_ITEM', 'ORA_MISSING_ITEM', 'ORA_NOT_WANTED', 'CANCEL'])) { at Step 'Apply Return Restocking Fee Adjustment' at Algo….