How to Make DFF's Unselect-able until another DFF is selected
We are looking to implement Multi-Period Accounting (MPA) in Fusion Cloud. In the Requisition creation page, I have added 2 flex-field called Service Start Date and Service End Date. These dates identify over what time period that order should be accounted, when dates are populated, that order will have the "Create MultiPeriod Accounting" scheduled process ran against it.
Business is hoping for an extra measure to ensure Requisitioners are not placing dates on orders that should not be using MPA, and to make sure that people are aware of what they are doing if they want to place dates.
I would like to use a Checkbox DFF named "Enable Multi-Period Accounting" and when this Checkbox is selected, the Start/End Date DFF's become available. Is there a way to make these date DFF's dependent on the Checkbox being selected?