EPBCS time balance property not working on dynamic calc parent
Hi All,
I have a balance sheet account(level0 stored) in OOTB financials module with properties = (Account Type: Asset, Time Balance: Balance, Skip: Missing)
From Plan Element(sparse) which is an OOTB dimension having below hierarchy.
OFS_Total(dynamic calc)(+)(Two Pass Calc)
OFS_Calculated (Store)
OFS_Adjustment (+/-) (Store)
PE_Actualized (Store)
We have a scenario having start period: Apr and start year: FY24, With that we loaded Actual data(YTD) from Jan to Mar in PE_Actualized and Forecast data(YTD) from Apr to Dec in OFS_Calculated. We have an FINREP which is an ASO cube which is having exactly same dimensions and roll-ups as OEP_FS which is used for reporting.