Account has reached maximum limit for Always Free Autonomous Database instances
I terminated one of my two Free Autonomous DBs earlier today to make room for 23ai. I only see one DB in my list of Autonomous Databases.
Despite that, when I ask to create an Autonomous Database, I read “Account has reached maximum limit for Always Free Autonomous Database instances.”
In the page "Limits, Quotas and Usage" I read Service Limit = 2, Usage = 1, Available = 1
Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):
Tenancy Name: stewashton
Home region: Germany Central (Frankfurt)
CSI number: 23283343
OCID: ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaaw27hanzvvf2b6z5m7qbzwmmnzp4a2353hkiine3a3lmc3agybwla
Version (include the version you are using, if applicable):