Groovy Rules and FORMS 2.0
Groovy cell.setEditED works differently in for Forms 2.0
Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):
In all my applications I have a groovy rels in order to simulate the YTD entry in data form as we nornally you can do with HFM, the two rules are:
a) AfterLoad
b) BeforeSave
The afterLoad rules make imputable the FCCS_YTD which normally cannot be imputable; this rule are triggered afterload's forms
operation.grid.dataCellIterator("FCCS_YTD").each {
if(it.crossDimCell("FCCS_YTD_Input").isReadOnly() == false){
it.setForceEditable(true)} }
Once the user entry in FCCS_YTD the second rule "BeforeSave" will be invoked; this rule provide to move data from FCCS_YTD to FCCS_YTD_Input which is hidden in the form , then the cell FCCS_YTD will tag as "unedited" to avoid error