How Sales Order Import using FBDI works in Targeted Mode in Planning?
I tried below scenario :
- Upload the Sales Order(SO-1) for Org A in Targeted Mode.(SO1 visible in Plan Inputs).
- Upload the Sales Order(SO-2) for Org-B in Targeted Mode.(Both SO-1 and SO-2 available in Plan Inputs).
Expectation: Since the 2nd Upload was done in Targeted Mode SO-1 should have been deleted, but it is still available in the plan inputs
3. When Another FBDI with new SO(SO-3) for Org-A is imported after step 2 in Targeted Mode, the SO-1 is removed.
Is this expected behaviour. Does the Targeted Upload for SO data first check for which Orgs the data is available in the CSV and then deletes the already available SO data for those orgs and then upload the data from CSV?