Oracle CPQ we have requirement where we want to add traansaction lines with prices in single call
Hi ,
we want to create Tranasaction line we are using below api:
passing below as payload:
"{ "_part_number":"0-8P3SBFI", "requestedQuantity_l" : "25" }"
We have another API to change Prices once line added:
"https://****{Id}/transactionLine/{Document number}/actions/save_l"
we are passing below inputs :
"documents": {
"listPrice_l": 5.5000,
"leadTime_l": "1",
"uOM_l": "EA",
"isOptional_l": "False"
can you tell do we have single api where we can merge both of them and call so when we create transaction we can have price as well and other separate call. we are calling above apis from third party system we have maximum of 100 parts to be added to transaction . Currently we are making mutiple calls one to add parts second to update prices.