ASO Member Formula not rolling up to Dynamic Parent
Hi Team,
We are using MDX formula in ASO cube Scenario dimension member SCN_CC_CY_Actuals. All level0 member of entity and Plan element dimension are getting calculated as per the MDX formula in RPRT cube. Initially, data is not getting rolled up to top entity/Plan element parent members. However, we were able to aggregate the entity dimension with the the else condition, however we could not achieve the same for the plan element dimension. Any help on this will be appreciated.
WHEN IS([Years].CurrentMember,[&CurrYear]) and IS([currency].CurrentMember,[USD_REPORTING]) and ((ISANCESTOR([LE_Total],[Entity].CurrentMember) and [Entity].currentmember.ATR_CURRENCY = "ATR_USD") and IS([Plan Element].CurrentMember,[PE_Total Post EA incl Adj])) THEN