Delete invoke ATP impossible, also update. Corrupt integration? GEN3.
Hi, please, before opening SR I would like to know if anyone has seen this before.
I am changing ATP connection and I have created a second invoke as shown:
Error when deleting, the system hangs:
Sorry, I cannot event grab the error message.
Also when updating:
{"detail":"java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; ICS-11451: An error occurred during update of element.; ICS-10064: An error occurred while preparing mapper object.; An error occurred while trying to get the sources of the map ''req_b391a3ed5ba64519bc81ba8b41fd689c.xsl''.; An error occurred while trying to get the MapInputSource. ","status":"HTTP 400 Bad Request","title":"java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException","type":""}