Demand at Risk under Demand Fulfillment versus Demand at Risk under Exceptions
Want to know how is the demand at risk and exception linked.
•Can the total counts of “At-Risk Demands” records under DemandFulfillmentpage be 100% matched to the Exceptions page’s
•Demand at Risk Due to Insufficient Lead Time
•DemandatRiskDuetoResource Shortage
•Demand at Risk Due to Supplier Capacity Shortage (see ppt slide1)
——————•The total counts of “At-Risk Demands” records under Demand Fulfillment page is 29683.
•However, the sum of:
•Demand at Risk Due to Insufficient Lead Time
•Demand at Risk Due to Resource Shortage
•Demand at Risk Due to Supplier Capacity Shortage
•Is 641016+11123+0= 652139
Is this a configuration issue?
Or the demand at risk definition of this two pages are different?