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Redwood Roadmap or dates for Tasks and support for "Validate Field Values" Business Rules
Part of our client's business needs were met using Autocomplete Rules. This is prior to starting our Redwood migration process. For Redwood, the new equivalent Transaction Design Studio set of tools is VBS Business Rules, which includes both "Configure Fields and Regions" and "Validate Field Values". The latter is specific for replacing Autocomplete functionality.
Furthermore, every new Cloud Readiness points out, among other things, the brand new delivered Redwood experience tasks and which Redwood tasks has support for authoring Default and Validate Business Rules. See example of 24B and 24C, respectively:
After reading 24C Cloud Readiness, I have realized that despite some tasks now delivered for Redwood, I will not be able to migrate all of the client's Autocomplete Rules for such tasks. Or at least that's what I think about for the Redwood tasks not listed as having support for authoring Business Rules.