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OTBI Analysis to get a value from the latest project budget version

edited Oct 30, 2024 8:10PM in Project Management 1 comment

I have created an OTBI analysis that shows values from the
original budget version , but I want to compare it with the same values
of the latest budget version, but when I use the function of LAST I get
the error

Invalid Alias Format : Table_name.Column_name required. OK (Ignore Error)

my query is

WHEN "Project Budget Version"."Budget Key" = last("Project Budget
Version"."Budget Key") THEN (ifnull ( cast( "- Budget Line Record
Information"."PJO_PLAN_LINES_DFF_APRFT_SCLTN_NT_" as numeric) ,0) ) ELSE

what would be the error or the best approach to reach my goal ?

Howdy, Stranger!

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