Linking Project Task Number to BPM tables
Hello Team,
We have a business requirement to report on the Project Adjustment BPM approval routing.
To Achieve this requirement, we are trying to establish link from fa_fusion_soainfra.wftask to either pjc_exp_items_all or pjc_cost_dist_lines_all or pjc_txn_xface_ctrl_all tables, but none of this is working.
select identificationkey
from fa_fusion_soainfra.wftask
where processname = 'AdjustmentApprovalWorkflow'
Can you please help us with how we can join fa_fusion_soainfra.wftask table with the project table? We are able to use identification key for other BPM's and link it to the transactions i.e. GL, AP, Purchase requisitions etc but its not working for projects.