Is it possible to get a document for a particular shipment from OTM via REST APIs?
I am trying to fetch a particular document for a shipment by using the APIs provided by Oracle, so that when I make a req to the endpoint, I should be able to download document's pdf. I am using documentation for reference.
There are 2 ways mentioned here:
make a GET req to Path: /shipments/{shipmentGid}/documents/{documentGid}
or, a GET req to Path: /shipments/{shipmentGid}/documents
I am able to get the related info of the particular document not the pdf or blob, is there any other way to do it?
Ultimate thing I want to achieve: For any particular shipment, from Actions menu, I want to generate a document (for eg, BOL) and then expose an API to other system from where it can make req for the document and get the document in pdf format.