24C Manage Project Costs Search: Query By "No Search Conducted"
Post 24C (received 9/20 in PROD), the query by "filter" in the Manage Project Costs search does not return results.
Typical behavior is to enter the search value (e.g., Transaction #, Project #, Exp Type, EI date, etc.), then hit Enter on the keyboard. Post 24C, no action is taken and the page shows "No search conducted".
Pathway: Projects and Awards > Costs > Tasklist (paper icon) > Manage Project Costs
Unsuccessful troubleshooting:
- Tried in Incognito
- Tried in Chrome, Firefox, Edge
- Tried in Prod, DEV4, TEST (all on 24C)
Query By: does not conduct search, does not return results
"Standard" search, advanced: returns results