Query to get customer contacts by site
Query to get customer contacts by site
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I am trying to fetch AR Customer contact information which is displayed on Oracle Fusion screen. In case of multiple sites with each site having it's each contact person, I am getting cross joins between tables and not able to fetch the correct data. These type of customers do not have data in HZ_CONTACT_POINTS table for their corresponding sites. Hence, I am finding no way to join the contact person with the individual site.
SELECT hp.party_name,
hps.party_site_number, hp1.party_name contact_person, hp1.email_address contact_person_email FROM hz_parties hp, hz_party_sites hps, hz_relationships hr, hz_parties hp1 WHERE hp.party_id = hps.party_id AND hr.object_id = hp.party_id AND hr.subject_id = hp1.party_id