How to pass 12 months forecast in time format 2024M10 - 2025M09 in one process to DW
Hi all,
We are on a monthly basis reporting a 12 months rolling forecast to a Datawarehouse (DW) through the EPM Integration Agent. Date format in DW is like this example: "2024M10". We would like to export data for the period 2024M10 to 2025M09.
At the moment we are in Data Exchange mapping time members using this SQL expression: "to_char(PERIODKEY,'YYYY') || 'M' || to_char(PERIODKEY,'MM')".
When running this process for the period Oct-24 until Sep-25 we get the 2024M10 values correctly but both 2024M01 and 2025M01 is reported in two lines as 2025M01? (see below).
Do you have any good ideas as to how to run this in one process?