Routing the supervisory approval in Purchase Requisition using DFF attribute
We are trying to limit the Supervisor hierarchy based on the DFF attribute in PR.
For the PR, the top approver username is entered in the DFF.
We tried to use the below syntax in the top participant, but its not working. Need guidance if wea redoing it incorrectly.
Supervisory Hierarchy
Top Participant - HierarchyBuilder.getPrincipal(ReqHeaderDimension.reqHeaderDFFVA.topApprover,-1,"","")
where topApprover is the attribute name. we can find the topApprover dff attribute name in the BPM variables.
We also tried to use - HierarchyBuilder.getPrincipal(ReqHeaderDimension.attribute4,-1,"","") where attribute 4 is where the topApprover values are stored.
However, it is not able to generate the hierarchy. Instead if i directly give the employee name in the top participant, its working.