Contract Line created Via REST API not displaying Line Amount
We are creating contract lines using the payload below.
Endpoint : https://{hostname}/fscmRestApi/resources/{ContractID}/child/ContractLine
{"LineNumber": "16","LineTypeId": 300000000328960,"ItemNameTxt": "CIAC Install Taxable Invoice (252)","ItemDescription": "CIAC Install Taxable Invoice (252)","StartDate": "2024-10-24","EndDate": "2024-12-31","LineAmount": "5000","ShipToAccountNumber": "1000054015","ShipToSite": "1067082","BillPlan": "Amount Based Invoice","RevenuePlan": "Amount Based Revenue","EstimatedVariableConsiderationAmount": 5000,"StandaloneSellingPrice": 5000,"AssociatedProject" : [ {"ProjectNumber" : "CONAFS1000001796"} ],"ContractAllLineDesFlexVA" : [ {"__FLEX_Context": "CIAC","agreementQuoteNumber" : "6543"} ]}
The line is created successfully, and the LineAmount is reflected in the response payload. However, when we check in the SaaS application, the amount field appears blank.
Please find attached screenshots for reference. Could you confirm if this is the expected behavior or if there is any configuration or step we might be missing to display this information? Any guidance on resolving this would be appreciated.