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Data Integration Workbench shows duplicate members in the same field


Data integration fails. When looking at the column in the Workbench, we noticed that for Source-Account, Source-Entity, Source-Version, Source-Channel, Source-LOB, Source-Cost Center and Source-Location all contain duplicate members in the same field. For example, the values for Source-Account is showing as : A_7212015A_7212015. And the values for Source-Entity is showing as LE_114LE_114. And the values for Source-version is showing up as WorkingWorking. this data integration is between one PBCS application and another. This data integration worked before when run during our Forecast 1, but is now producing odd behavior and fails with Forecast 2.

Any ideas why the dimension members would come in as duplicated in the same cell?

Howdy, Stranger!

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