Discussion List
Removal of Financial Reports from EPBCSWe recently received a notification on the EPM Cloud interface regarding the removal of Financial Reports (FR) in June 2025. Oracle will be replacing FR with Reports, re…
NR - FUP NotificationsSummary: In Oracle NR, FUP reviewer/approvers receive email notifications even when no action is required of them. We know we can turn these off in User Preferences, whi…
Narrative reporting - late notificationSummary: late notification email sent when pass due dates Content (required): In the workflow, able to set start and end time but when it is late. no email notification …
Bursting Definition Schedule.Summary Bursting Definition Schedule.Content Hi All, We have a requirement to schedule the report by bursting feature in the Narrative Reporting, Please suggest me how c…
EPRCS (Narrative Reporting) Disaster Recovery : touch-less solution to clone the Target environmentSummary Restore snapshot using EPM Automate or REST API like other EPM Module rather than waiting to get it restored during Maintenance WindowContent Hello All, I am wor…
Prompt in the Narrative Reporting.Content Hi, I have created one report where I am using prompts in two rows, I am using the second row for the total purpose only and it is hidden. While previewing the r…
Narrative Reporting DistributionSummary Download link in email notification does not download the fileContent Hi, I am new with Distribution features. I have configured a RP distribution, the email not…User_2025-02-05-00-34-04-259 34 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Sandeep Hardikar N S Narrative Reporting