Discussion List
Parallel calls to SSE Oracle StorefrontHi, I have a requirement where I have to execute nearly 1000 parallel calls to CPQ (Configure + Validate) from SSE (Server Side Extension). Need the best approach to han…
Product widget configurationSummary: Product widget functionality issues. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When we want to edit the product widget we want to add the m…
Price Slider in Product Collection PageSummary To incorporate Price slider in filtersContent Hi Team, We have a requirement to incorporate Price Slider in Guided Navigation Widget in the Product Collection Pa…
Supplemental Technical Resource Guide for Oracle Commerce Cloud - July 2020Content The Oracle CX Commerce product team supplements our official documentation and Oracle University curriculum with technical content and materials that we believe …
Configure sort options in the product listing pageSummary Configuring additional sort optionsContent We need to add additional sort options other than Sort by: Price low to high,Price high to low, Default in product lis…
Order Cancel using Agent endpointsSummary Quantity becoming 0 when the order is cancelledContent Hi , We have developed a cancel order flow using 2 endpoints /orders/initiateCancelOrder and /orders/submi…
Adding a additional sort option in product collection pageSummary How to add additional sort option based on a sku property in Product Listing JsContent Hi, We have a sort by dropdown with standard sort option Price Low to high…
Is there any configuration to be done for sorting ProductsSummary Additional configuration to be done for sorting?Content Url :ccadmin/v1/products?sort=listPrice:desc Response : { "errorCode": "50012", "message": "Sorting all p…
Gift Registry for Oracle Commerce CloudSummary Integrating Oracle Commerce Cloud with an Open Source Gift Registry AppContent Hi All, Please help me with any suggestion for any Open Source Gift Registry Appli…
Display Promotions in the StorefrontSummary To show the latest Promotion in the storefrontContent Hi, We have a requirement to show all the latest Promotions to the Storefront shoppers. Please help with ho…
Webinar Replay with How-tos: Personalize and Optimize for Anonymous Shoppers (and more) Using OracleSummary Webinar Replay of August Office Hours covers personalizing and optimizing for anonymous shoppers, as well as updated how-tos for setting up specific A/B tests co…
Aug 14 Office Hours Webinar: Personalize and Optimize for Anonymous Shoppers (and more!) Using OraclSummary On Aug 14 at 11amET: Find out how to personalize and optimize for anonymous shoppers and other customer segments leveraging the latest features in OCC. A must-at…
Can we use commerce cloud to improve user experience in Oracle EBS iProcurement ?Content Hi, We have a client who is on Oracle EBS R12.2.4 and they are still investigating on the options of improving the user experience on Oracle iProcurement. The ip…
How-To on Improving Experiments Display SpeedSummary How-to on improving the display speed when you use Experiments, the out of the box Oracle Commerce Cloud A/B testing toolContent For A/B tests created using the …
Deck and Recording for October Office Hours on Holiday Best PracticesSummary Deck and recording for October Office Hours session on holiday best practicesContent Attached is the deck we reviewed during our October Office Hours session on …
Getting Started with Experiments in OCCS (Updated Dec 2016)Summary One-page cheat sheet on getting started with Experiments, Oracle Commerce Cloud's A/B testing tool Content The attached document gives a one page overview of Exp…
Introduction to A/B Testing Best Practices Guide (Feb 2017)Summary Best Practices guide to A/B testing and OCCS ExperimentsContent Oracle Commerce Cloud comes with Experiments, a tool that enables site optimization through A/B t…
Top 5 Tips for Optimizing Mobile on Oracle Commerce Cloud (updated 7/31/17)Summary Tips for optimizing mobile on Oracle Commerce Cloud Content There is no longer any debate about the importance of mobile performance and mobile commerce for busi…