Discussion List
Calculate Subsidiary/Equity retained earnings on Holding companiesSummary Is it possible to calculate the corresponding retained earnings for Subsidiaries and Equity companies on the Holding company instead of the Consolidated?Content …
Not able to find three ceded Rule setsSummary Rulesets are not foundContent Hi All, On 13th April we have enabled the ownership management feature in application. After that as per Admin guide we have to dep…DISHIL SHAH 58 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by DISHIL SHAH Financial Consolidation and Close
Factor in new Consolidation RulesSummary Factor in new Consolidation RulesContent Hi, in the new consolidation rules is there anyway to include a factor different than an input number to multiply the ac…
How to revert the Minority Interest?Summary I need to revert the Minority InterestContent I need to revert the Minority Interest. The case when the holding have part of the "Minority Interest" of their Sub…Jose Israel Martinez Contreras 46 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Carolina Rodriguez Financial Consolidation and Close
Customization of Inter company ReportSummary Need to change the format of Inter company ReportContent Hi All, As we look into the Inter company report we find that in this report accounts are coming to the …DISHIL SHAH 61 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by DISHIL SHAH Financial Consolidation and Close
Issue with the Consolidation of the CashflowSummary The Cash flow is balanced at the Local level (individually), but not at the Consolidation LevelContent The Cash flow is correct at the Local level (individually)…Jose Israel Martinez Contreras 48 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rich Wilkie-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Alternate Hierarchy EliminationsSummary Only the Geography hierarchy supports intercompany eliminations?Content Hi, Is it still the case that only main Geography hierarchy supports intercompany elimina…Guy Rogers-64027 68 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_D0TX6 Financial Consolidation and Close
Shares Owned functionalitySummary Shares Owned functionalityContent Is the roadmap for FCCS going to include the option to input shares and then calculate the ownership percentaje for the new Own…HFMColUser 39 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Rich Wilkie-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
First Look - Enabling Ownership ManagementSummary This topic helps in enabling ownership managment in FCCSContent This document helps with basic info and screenshots on how to enable Ownership Management Use thi…GaneshN-Support-Oracle 75 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by GaneshN-Support-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
2 New FCCS Video Tutorials now availableSummary New videos on managing ownership and consolidation methodsContent Hello. The following new videos are now live on the Help Center and YouTube. Managing Ownership…Ron Reiley-Oracle 57 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kimborey Lam-68459 Financial Consolidation and Close
Is anyone aware when the full Consolidation functionality as per HFM will be available in FCCS?Summary We are looking at moving from HFM to FCCS and are searching for information on FCCS functionality parity with HFM. Is anyone aware when this parity will be avail…Abh1shekD 65 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Kimborey Lam-68459 Financial Consolidation and Close
4 New FCCS Video Tutorials now availableSummary New videos are now live on the Oracle Help Center and YouTube.Content Hello. The following new videos are now live on the Help Center and YouTube. Designing Navi…Ron Reiley-Oracle 77 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kimborey Lam-68459 Financial Consolidation and Close
How to migrate incremental setup changes to the Target instance from Test instanceSummary How to migrate incremental setup changes to the Target instance from Test instanceContent Recently we have done some setups in TEST environment and now we are pl…
Implementation FCCS - at former HFM customerSummary Can I use HFM data for my implementation of FCCSContent Hi I'm having a first implementation of FCCS. recently started in the position. the customer uses SAP and…Ilse De Vries_43167 129 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by GaneshN-Support-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Roadmap for Custom dimension ConsolidationSummary Roadmap for Custom dimension ConsolidationContent Hi all I wanted to know if there are any plans for a custom dimension consolidation, basically that would be an…HFMColUser 63 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Rich Wilkie-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
EPM - Financial Consolidation and Close (FCCS): Tips and Tricks -- September 6, 2017, 9:00 a.m. PTContent Submit your questions for the EPM - Financial Consolidation and Close (FCCS): Tips and Tricks session to have them answered during the live event. Post your ques…Rich Wilkie-Oracle 150 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Rajesh Bhatia Financial Consolidation and Close